Create AVC (Audio-Video-Computer) equipments freely and actively,
society of coexistence co-prosperity
for elderly people, handicapped people and normal.
Japanese / English
******* Mobile Tube(3A5 PP) Amplifier *******
Prize-winning work at Japanese Electronics Show by EIAJ in 1991
World first !! Mini analog player type CD player : Anadigi player "Denchiku"
Handiwork was published in a book (Radio technology Aug./1999).
Triode OTL sound V-FET Amplifier
(V-FET : 2SK60 / 2SJ18)
World first !! Remote controll Tube(300B) amplifier mounted network functions (AV Network)
Seychelle Line Ups (self-produced AVC equipments)
iWorld first !! 1 and half DIN size Compact Tube Amplifier for Morbile etc.j
Create AVC (Audio-Video-Computer) equipments freely and actively,
establish society of coexistence co-prosperity
for elderly people, handicapped people and normal.
Could you contuct us by the following gestbook or mail ? if you like.
: Dec. 10,2023 Seychelle
Copyright (C) Seychelle Club